mardi 13 octobre 2009

Tornado released

Facebook acquired FriendFeed and we all knew all that came with it. The brains and the technology plus the possibility on leveraging a very useful service online. Days ago Facebook announced something I wasn’t expecting it to for quite some time to come; Open sourcing a part of it. The Social Network released Tornado, a real time framework for Python. The framework will be able to handle traffic simultaneously with its support for the many tough tasks associated to Web Development. These include localization, user authentication like Facebook Connect, etc. This would improve the quality of service at a high performance rate. Tornado provides me a way to leverage the long polling technique for my video chat...

samedi 3 octobre 2009

Git Hosting

Lately I started up a personal project (the one that will make rich). There is a control system I wanted to explore: Git. A bunch of free git hosting exist on the net but you basically have to open source your codes. So I searched around the net for some private hosting, which allows to hide the codes from public access. It might be helpful for you guys. Here’s the list. 1. 2. 3. I chose the gitcentral option. It works like a charm. Here's how to create a repository :
$ cd (project-directory) $ git init $ (add some files) $ git add . $ git commit -m 'Initial commit'
You basically create a new account and project in gitCentral. It's quite straighforward. DOn't forget to add your SSH keys. It must be your public RSA key (usually in ~/.ssh/). Wait for a minute In the "Repositories" tab you'll found out the push url of your project.
$git remote add origin (the push url) $git push origin master
Then after a commit, I just need to push this way :
$git push
Just play with Git now for free!