lundi 25 janvier 2010

Running Python on Google App engine in 5 minutes

The title might be misleading. We're just going to run a simple Hello world Google app with the developpement environment. I'll be concise and write this item in 3 steps. The "Getting started guide" is self-explanatory. So if you merely want to start with a hello world app in 5 minutes here are some instructions I tested. 5 min. No more no less. Let's start! VERSIONS USED : Google App Engine 1.3.0 Python 2.5 Linux STEP 1 : Installing Google App engine SDK for Python You develop and upload Python applications for Google App Engine using the App Engine Python software development kit (SDK). It contains everything you need to start, run and test your google app on your local machine. By failing fast on your local machine, you avoid surprises on Google app engine. First, download the Google App engine SDK for Python here On your project directory "mysite", execute the following command: ln -s /path/to/google_appengine .google_appengine (in case : chmod u+x -R /path/to/google_appengine/*.py ) STEP2 : Starting with the Hello World app Go to .google_appengine and you'll find simplistic demos. Hum.. let's take the "Hello world" sample app. Copy the directory helloworld and paste its content inside mysite directory. STEP3 : Testing the Hello World app Launch you app : path/to/google_appengine/ path/to/mysite/ Do you see the Hello world message ? Next time we'll run Django 1.0.2 on Google app engine.

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